As a wholly self-taught home cook, I had never given much thought to gadgets, small appliances, or even utensils. Most of my supplies were hand-me-downs, gifts, or just magically appeared in my kitchen. Oh sure, I would stare at the utensil wall at Bed, Bath and Beyond but mostly to wonder what the heck most of that stuff was for and who really needs an egg separator? Doesn’t the shell do the job pretty well?

Then I switched day jobs. Suddenly, I had to either cook for myself or spend my meager earnings on take-out, which, on my receptionist’s hourly wage, meant the former. I got good at creating easy, cheap, healthy meals with the tools I had. Enter a decent paring knife.
Until my pal C (thanks!) got me started watching cooking shows, I didn’t know what I was missing. My thrifty sensibility remains intact, but the gadgets are harder to resist. Some folks have a weakness for shoes or comic books; mine has become kitchen gear.
Oh, I try to play it cool. Alton, I scoff, do I really have to have silicone baking sheet liners? RR, I most definitely do not need a $15 Garbage Bowl™, thank you very much. Even I have a line; and this from a woman who bought a Martha Stewart cookie shooter on impulse.
Close-out stores are a great way to keep the gadget budget in check. Whenever I’m in the market for a new toy, I mean tool, my neighborhood Jack’s World (upstairs from Jack’s 99¢ stores) is the first place I check. Jack’s World is similar to Odd Jobs, Big Lots, and the like. I’ve gotten most of my indispensable implements there. (The cookie press was only $5! How could I resist?)
Factory-reconditioned small appliances can save big bucks when upgrading your kitchen or starting from scratch. You have to do your homework, but a little diligence will pay off. Sites like Amazon and Overstock can have great deals on brand names, and you never know what you’ll find.
I never aspired to KitchenAid appliances. They always seemed the stuff of TV chefs and people with that one-two punch of bridal registries and wealthy relatives. But when my $30 blender flamed out after 6 months of heavy hummus duty, I needed to go one better. On Amazon, I found a reconditioned KitchenAid blender for $50, more than half off the original price, and just $20 more the discount-store brand. Not only does it do an amazing job, it’s so, so pretty.
Now when I find myself leaving a trail of drool through Bed, Bath and Beyond, pooling at the utensil wall, I pull myself together, make a list, and try to contain myself until I can get to budget safety. (Sometimes I will appease myself with a little trinket, like silicone basting brushes or another inexpensive, absolute necessity. C, I really needed those ice cube trays.)
But when it comes down to it, I survived with very little for many years, and could do it again. Here are my desert island kitchen gadgets/tools that I cannot live without. These are the implements I’d save from fire, flood, and locusts. And I paid full price for none of them.
10” cast iron skillet—A cast iron skillet is an indispensable piece of cookware. It stews; it fries; it bakes; it does it all. And you don’t need to spend the college fund on Le Creuset to get a good one. As long as you care for it properly, a cast iron skillet will get better with age and last forever. Close-out store ≈$8
Silicone spatula—When you want something out of a bowl, food processor, blender, pitcher, pan, pot—especially glass—this thing will grab on and get it out. All of it. There’ll be no hummus left in that blender, no batter left in that bowl, no sauce in that pan. I had no idea how much magic this little do-hickey would do. Plus, silicone is heat resistant, so you can use it with your sensitive cookware when it’s piping hot. My cast iron skillet loves its silicone spatula. Close-out store ≈$2

Blender—Shiny. I love my blender. Factory-refurbished ≈$30
Utility knife—For my birthday, my good friend, A, got me a brand-spanking-new knife, and my world has changed for the better. It has a pretty pink handle, it actually cuts (instead of crushes, like most of my crappy old knives do), and it makes me feel like a real chef. Now I understand what all the fuss is about.
What can you not live without in the kitchen? Any tips for finding them on the cheap?
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