What: A tag cloud!
Why: It’s pretty. Takes up less space than the old label list, too.
What: A Facebook page!
Why: All the kids have one these days.
What: A Twitter account! (Handle: KrisCHG.)
Why: Tryin' to keep with the times. Next, I'm planning on buying a phonograph to play records by this "Osmond Family" I keep hearing about.
Special Note: We’ll have both Facebook and Twitter buttons in the sidebar soon. (Meaning: as soon as I figure out how to do that.)
What: Stars (*) denoting vegan and vegetarian recipes in the Master Recipe List.
Why: Because vegans and vegetarians are people, too, dammit!
What: Occasional minor profanity.
Why: Hell if I know.
What: One recipe per week (Monday), plus occasional dishes from Veggie Might.
Why: Better food and burnout prevention. I discovered that coming up with two new recipes per week, plus another one for Serious Eats, could be a bit overwhelming at times. By losing one, I can concentrate more on the others, and insure a better overall culinary experience.

What: Popular Articles and Recipe Lists
Why: If my numbers are right Batman, these pieces have proven particularly useful to frugal cooks. If my numbers are wrong, the Joker’s got us cornered! BAM! THWAP!
What: Ads!
Why: I’m unemployed. Mama needs a new pair of … everything.
Special Note: Does anyone know how to get rid of ads between posts? I put them up via Blogger (not html), and now I can’t take them down. It’s driving me mad. Mad, I say!
What: Tuesdays off.
Why: $3 pints at the local alehouse. Also, laundry.
What: A Google search bar.
Why: It gives you search results without the whole article. Fancy!
What: Tuesday’s Megalinks are moving to Friday, and will become Top 10 Links of the Week. Fun quotes and videos will be added here and there, as well.
Why: The links seemed like a more natural fit as an end-of-week roundup, and condensing the list to the ten best stories should eliminate some of the slightly less engrossing features.
What: “If you like BLANK then you’ll love BLANK” At the end of each post.
Why: Who doesn’t love referrals?
What: Fiber calculations with recipes.
Why: Fiber is important! So is knowing its quantity when you’re on Weight Watchers. OP, represent!
What: I will be drinking more Dogfish Head Punkin Ale while typing.
Why: See #9.
Does that sound okay? What do you guys think? CHG’s always a work in progress, so thanks again for sticking around. It makes us happy in all the right ways.
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